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Immunity... How its function is linked to our gut

Today, you can't turn on the TV or radio or even have a simple conversations without the words "virus", "Covid" or "immune system" come up. Staying healthy is more important that ever. Keeping your immune system functioning properly takes some effort, and now there are studies coming out showing a direct association between gut function and Covid-19 severity. In fact, Blue Zones just put out an article on the subject (see link at end). So...... 


Why in the world would having optimal gut function be connected with Covid-19?

Because 70% of our immune system is housed in our gut!

It makes sense, as most of what we bring into our bodies (good, harmful, etc) makes its way inside through our mouth and down our digestive tract. We have immune cells that stand guard against any invaders, and these immune cells are close partners with our microbiome (the good bacteria that help us make all kinds of necessary molecules and help digest our food). If our microbiome isn't doing its job, our immune system can't do its job properly. 

What can help support our gut function, which in turn supports our immune system? NO surprise here...what you eat has a direct impact on your microbiome and immune cells. 

What to avoid putting in our mouth:


Processed Foods

Anything you eat that makes your body react (rash, hives, bloat, burps, indigestion, gas, irritability, fatigue, brain fog, to name a few). This could include so-called "healthy" foods. If a certain food causes a reaction, listen to your body talking to you!

What to eat:

Veggies! Fiber is the food that our good bacteria love to eat (bad bacteria love to eat sugar). When they are happy, everybody is happy!

Fermented Foods including kimchi, kefir, yogurt (dairy or non-dairy), kombucha (make sure it's not too high in sugar). These foods introduce a variety of good bacteria into our current flora.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil! This liquid gold drives down inflammation which is a key factor in gut dysbiosis (dysfunction) and putting our immune system into overdrive which we don't want.

A good probiotic is also a supplement most people should be taking. Here's the ones I take daily: https://www.myamareglobal.com/47456/en-us/MentaBiotics and https://www.myamareglobal.com/47456/en-us/Probiotics

Another key vitamin for both immune and gut function is Vitamin D. There has been a direct association between those deficient in Vit. D and the risk of catching the virus. So be sure to find out if you're deficient and if you are to find a good Vit.D/K2 supplement.


Here's the link to the Blue Zones article mentioned above: 




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