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Change starts with me. Change starts with you. Growth+Change = Discomfort+Pain


First, I just want to acknowledge what a heavy 10 days this has been. No matter what our background, race, religion, economic situation, sexual orientation, we have all felt the heaviness of theses times. And most of us, I hope, have realized that we all have room to learn, grow and support change in ourselves, our family, our community, our nation and our globe when it comes to racism and social injustice. 

The devastating injustices against George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and countless others have brought to the forefront what this country has been facing for centuries: deeply-rooted, systemic racism. Being a silent bystander is not an option, we must be very vocal about being anti-racist. This is the time to take a stand and to take action.

Unfortunately, many big Pilates and Wellness platforms have remained silent or only spoke up once being called-out. They have not used to their platform to amplify Black...

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