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Anti-aging is BS. If we're not aging, we're dead.

Clear and simple, we want to wake up each day feeling energized and enthusiastic. It's not aging per se that we are afraid of/resistant to... it's the thought of NOT AGING ON OUR OWN TERMS! So... how can you age on your own terms and take control of your future? Doctors and researchers are learning more everyday about how small, daily, simple steps make huge impacts in our overall health. 

AND this applies whether you are 35 or 75!

Aging is only 20% genetic. The other 80% is totally dependent on lifestyle behavior! How you age is completely in your control, if you're willing to put in the work!

So the question that begs an answer is...

Have you been doing the work?!

There are a few places you could start:

  • Nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Movement/Fitness
  • Stress Resilience
  • Inflammation Levels

But this goes beyond eating your kale and closing your eyes and repeating "ohm". You can eat all the kale in the world or meditate 8 hours a day and still not live a long fulfilling life. Why not? Because longevity is multi-factorial and we need to stick with these behaviors for the long haul... and that long haul needs motivation and a "why".

What's your motivation to age well?

What's the reason you want to live a long, active life?

What's your "why"? 

If you can reflect upon and answer these questions honestly, then the daily movement, eating healthy, adding more relaxation to your week, working on stress levels, and staying connected will be a priority. Not because your Longevity Advisor (aka, ME! lol) told you to do these things, but because your heart and soul know this is what you need to do so that you can accomplish all that you want while you're on this planet!

Life is short AND life is very long.

Your mindset towards aging and longevity will determine which of the above applies.


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