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Where Did My Motivation Go?

Stress. Fatigue. Burnout. Judgement. Overwhelm.

Anyone else feeling it?! You are not alone, my friend. These things mentioned above can really mess with our motivation. And I'm not just talking about being motivated to create a new business or write your opus magnum. I'm talking about just getting out our pajamas and into workout clothes or not snapping at our partner because they didn't ___ you fill in the blank ;) 

Like this ancient olive tree grove in Mallorca Spain, we are being molded by our environment and it's f'ing uncomfortable and gnarly (just like this tree's trunk). But, this is what makes the olive tree produce amazing fruit: the elements, the soil, the sun, it utilizes all the tools available to grow strong despite the external environment. And we have those tools also to grow and find that motivation again. Motivation to move forward (even if it's falling on our face), we owe it to ourselves, our family and our community. 

Here are some tools:

Tool #1: What...

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