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3 Ways to Manage Your Mindset During the Quarantine

How have you been doing? How is navigating this unusual situation weighing on you?

I'm sure there's been ebbs and flows...going from neutral to enthusiastic to exhausted to motivated to frustrated to burnt out. I know, because I'm right there with you, sometimes feeling all the things in just one day!

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about how to shift my mindset from "this is happening TO me" to "this is happening FOR me".

Here are 3 ways that can help with this shift:

1. Now's the time to optimize our health and wellbeing.

Here's an acronym I just came across yesterday listening to Brendon Burchard. Take your MEDS RX daily!

M: meditate

E: exercise

D: Diet

S: Sleep

R: Relationship Building

X-factor: supplements to support your physical and mental wellness. 

Self-care is not optional at this time. It's necessary for you to fill your own cup, so that you can give to others (see point #2). Do the one thing you know you need most at this moment to optimize your physical and mental wellness right now, then slowly add in the others. It may seem overwhelming at first, but starting with one small step can impact your overall health tremendously. Don't know where to start? Let's connect, I can help you!

2. Be adaptable and willing to start thinking in a different way.

Yes, the world may seem like everything is falling apart. The difficulty, the hardship, the inconvenience is real. Have you taken a moment to stop and breathe? Most of us are safe and healthy and will not catch this virus or at least not die from it. Right now is a time to recalibrate our priorities and navigate our new normal. Instead of being "in" the problem, can we be "above" the problem? Look at the situation from a different perspective? Sometimes, the easiest way to do this is to start is to think about who you can help. Showing up for those who need us most, serving and giving back. This can be one small daily step: a call to a friend, a walk with your partner, a high-five to your kid, showing appreciation to your mail person or the person making the Amazon delivery, donating to an organization, buying a gift card from a small business that is closed right now. We always feel better when we can be of service! And just when you start to feel heavy again, stop and breathe and recalibrate as many times as you need throughout the day. 

3. Skill UP and use this time to learn and improve in any area of your life.

Get involved with your growth and self-development. Not only for you, but more importantly for your family, your team, your clients. Learn the thing, Watch the course, YouTube the "how-to" tutorial, Read the book, Write the book, Bake the cake, Make the recipe, Practice the guitar. Whatever it is... level up. Figure out what you've been putting on the back-burner because you didn't have the time and make the time now. 

And if you're feeling exhausted just reading this, then what you might need the most is rest. Don't underestimate what a few days of true rest can do for our physical and mental wellbeing. Then, pair that rest with some productive action.

We'll get through to the other side of this, I promise. In the meantime, let's keep each other supported and accountable and loved up! Because who doesn't need that!?!


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